Juniper Pollen, Soup + Bread

I have not tired of the view from this table where I sit eating, writing and musing about what has been and what is to come. The space between seasons, like the space between everything, is a lively place full of anticipation of the emergent. Like choosing which material to work with on a given day based on a dream or premonition, seasonal changes are hormonally erratic. One moment sun is shinning, then cloud cover, then snow, then hale, more sun. Luckily the plant world here in the high desert is accustomed to the nuance of change. My interfering with the way things are by planting a perineal too soon or too late disturbs the natural flow. And yet, I too am a material of the landscape.

The interrelationship between material and etherial is like seasons changing. As I step into the ethereal through the use of material I follow the thread of my creativity…where will it take me? I know from this long thread that brought me to this moment, more often than not, takes me to a place of discovery. Returning to the beginning over and over I see the materials with new eyes almost like meeting an old friend who's wearing a different pair of earrings, or new shoes. Each time the materials sing a new song, like a siren, they guide me to remembering who I was, who I am and the dance we share on the path of soul work.

I invite you to join me on this journey by sharing experiences in a workshop or retreat environment. My workshops are designed to offer instruction as well as individual time for creating and ‘saying hello’ to the materials I use such as rattan, handmade paper, sticks, thread, ink. I’ve added photos of the four workshops I’m offering this year from my studio. The fifth is an exceptional six-day experience in France. I welcome your questions and comments.

Materiality: Ideas & The Art of Making

Three-Day Workshop Online

Fused & Formed: Flax Fiber Sculpture

One-Day Workshop Online

Paper + Constructions

In-Person at Paper Rain Studio

Shaping Space with Flax Fiber: Level II

Two-Day Workshop Online

Material Matters: Contemporary Fiber Sculpture Workshop Retreat

This is an all-inclusive workshop experience in France this Fall.

Jacqueline Mallegni

Jacqueline Mallegni, Paper Rain Studio, is a papermaker and paper artist. I create mixed media sculpture with handmade paper and natural materials. I offer workshops at my studio and online. Commissions accepted. Studio visits by appointment.

Abundance and the Art of Making

