naked wind
At a time when things are not normal, March winds came in like a lioness…roaring! She brought with her delicate snowfall; an atmospheric ash floated between trees and the great expanse. Dust swirled before the landscape was transformed into calm, quiet and white.
These high desert experiences makes my head spin. They remind me I’m not near the comfort of the sea where shore birds dance atop waves, where redwood and eucalyptus forests keep histories of past lives and where farmers yield delicious crops year-round. No, the desert is not comforting, but there is a humbling calm here that opens doors to my creative self without distraction. I’m not encouraged to venture outdoors. The great expanse provides amazing views from which to dream and soar like the red-tails and ravens. It is with great effort I explore the region collecting inspiration from the mother who is the mistress of all art.
Soon male Juniper trees will release their sperm in an effort to increase their population (I much prefer watching doves copulating in the trees) - meanwhile, we humans will will be damned with sneezing and watery eyes, coughing and choked by the windy dust for months as mother nature tries her darnedest to regenerate and regain a sense of balance.
For me, balance comes from a maker’s lifestyle choice. Chop wood, carry water kinda’ thing. Staying tuned in to what’s around me, the seasons, the people, ideas and concepts. Making paper is a profound experience for me. I’m still in love with the process after all these years.
In a land where water is scarce and full of minerals, making paper is another challenge. It’s become more precious I think, especially because I’m making paper outdoors again.
I’m looking forward, post wind, and warmer days when I can redesign my outdoor studio. I invite you to take a peek at my workshop offerings this summer when paper + sticks will be a focal point.
Here we go into the great abyss…be strong, be happy, be in love with it all!